Flask Demo - 03

HTTP Basic Authentication

HTTP Basic Authentication

  1. Simplicity: Basic Authentication is simple to implement, as it doesn't require additional libraries or infrastructure. It's part of the HTTP standard.

  2. Suitability for Simple Use Cases: It's suitable for simple, internal applications or services where ease of implementation is more critical than advanced security features.

  3. Limited Security: The credentials are only base64 encoded, not encrypted, making it less secure unless used with HTTPS. It's also more vulnerable to CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.

  4. Stateful: Basic Authentication is typically stateful, requiring the server to maintain session state, which can be a drawback in distributed systems.

python3 api_demo/flask_03_basic_auth_app.py

Other @auth decorators


  • This decorator defines a function that verifies user credentials during authentication.

  • Example:

    def verify_password(username, password):
        # Check username and password, return username if authentication succeeds


  • After successful authentication, you can use auth.username() to retrieve the authenticated username within a route function.

  • Example:

    def get_profile():
        username = auth.username()
        # Use the username to fetch user-specific data


  • This decorator protects routes that require authentication. It ensures that only authenticated users can access the decorated route.

  • Example:

    def secure_data():
        # Only authenticated users can access this route


  • You can define a custom error handler for authentication failures using this decorator. It allows you to handle authentication errors in a customized way.

  • Example:

    def unauthorized():
        return jsonify({"message": "Unauthorized access"}), 401


  • If you want to implement token-based authentication, you can use this decorator to specify a function that verifies tokens.

  • Example:

    def verify_token(token):
        # Check if the token is valid and return the associated user

@auth.get_password and @auth.get_user_roles:

  • These decorators allow you to customize how passwords and user roles are retrieved from your data source. They are useful for complex authentication systems.

  • Example:

    def get_password(username):
        # Retrieve and return the password for the given username


users = {
    "user1": "password1",
    "user2": "password2"

user_roles = {
    "user1": ["admin"],
    "user2": ["user"]

def get_password(username):
    return users.get(username)

def get_user_roles(user):
    return user_roles.get(user)

tokens = {
    "token1": "user1",
    "token2": "user2"

def verify_token(token):
    if token in tokens:
        return tokens[token]

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