What is Data?

Data is nothing but facts and figures. When the data is processed, it's called Information.

Everything is data.

Whatever we say, where ever we go, whatever we do, everything is captured and stored somewhere in some form.

How to measure data?

byte        - 1 letter
1 Kilobyte  - 1024 B
1 Megabyte  - 1024 KB
1 Gigabyte  - 1024 MB
1 Terabyte  - 1024 GB    
(1,099,511,627,776 Bytes)
1 Petabyte  - 1024 TB
1 Exabyte   - 1024 PB
1 Zettabyte - 1024 EB
1 Yottabyte - 1024 ZB

Examples of Traditional Data

  • Banking

  • Student

  • Employee

  • Customer

  • Sales

When does data become Big?

When does data expand?

  • Banking - Instead of one, if we start to consolidate all branches across the world. Ex: Citi Bank.

  • Student - Not just one college. Student info across the country. Ex: US News

  • Media to Social Media.

When does data get granular?

  • Monitor PC CPU/Memory usage every minute/second.

  • Cell phone data.

  • IoT (Internet of Things) sensor data.

  • Social Media posts.

  • Traffic Information.

Everything is now captured and used for analysis.

Why collect lots of data?

  • Hardware is getting cheaper and better.

  • Technology is advanced, so it enables us to consume more.

  • Companies want to pursue something new to grow their business.