File Formats



  • Tabular Row storage.

  • Human-readable is easy to edit manually.

  • Simple schema.

  • Easy to implement and parse the file(s).


  • No standard way to present binary data.

  • No complex data types.

  • Large in size.



  • Supports hierarchical structure.

  • Most languages support them.

  • Widely used in Web


  • More memory usage due to repeatable column names.

  • Not very splittable.

  • Lacks indexing.


Avro is a data serialization system often used in big data processing and storage frameworks like Apache Hadoop.

Examples of use cases for AVRO files include RPC, message queues, log files, and data pipelines.


Parquet is a columnar storage file format optimized for use with Apache Hadoop and related big data processing frameworks. Twitter and Cloudera developed it to provide a compact and efficient way of storing large, flat datasets.

Best for WORM (Write Once Read Many).

The key features of Parquet are:

  1. Columnar Storage: Parquet is optimized for columnar storage, unlike row-based files like CSV or TSV. This allows it to efficiently compress and encode data, which makes it a good fit for storing data frames.

  2. Schema Evolution: Parquet supports complex nested data structures, and the schema can be modified over time. This provides much flexibility when dealing with data that may evolve.

  3. Compression and Encoding: Parquet allows for highly efficient compression and encoding schemes. This is because columnar storage makes better compression and encoding schemes possible, which can lead to significant storage savings.

  4. Language Agnostic: Parquet is built from the ground up for use in many languages. Official libraries are available for reading and writing Parquet files in many languages, including Java, C++, Python, and more.

  5. Integration: Parquet is designed to integrate well with various big data frameworks. It has deep support in Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Apache Hive and works well with other data processing frameworks.

In short, Parquet is a powerful tool in the big data ecosystem due to its efficiency, flexibility, and compatibility with a wide range of tools and languages.

Difference between CSV and Parquet

DatasetSizeQuery Run TimeData ScannedCost


1 TB

236 Seconds

1 TB



130 GB

6.78 Seconds

2.51 GB



87% less space

34x faster

99% less data scanned

99.7% savings

Parquet Compression

  • Snappy (default)

  • Gzip


  • Low CPU Util

  • Low Compression Rate

  • Splittable

  • Use Case: Hot Layer

  • Compute Intensive


  • High CPU Util

  • High Compression Rate

  • Splittable

  • Use Case: Cold Layer

  • Storage Intensive

Last updated