Periodic Snapshot vs Additive

Periodic snapshot fact and additive fact are different concepts, although they may appear similar at first glance.

A periodic snapshot fact table is designed to capture a point-in-time snapshot of some measure at regular intervals, typically periodically, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

An additive fact represents a measure that can be aggregated across all dimensions in a fact table. For example, sales revenue is an additive fact because it can be summed up across all dimensions such as time, product, region, etc.

Additive FactPeriodic Snapshot Fact


Represents a measure that can be aggregated across all dimensions in a fact table

Captures a point-in-time snapshot of some measure at regular intervals


Can be at any level of granularity

Usually at a higher level of granularity such as daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly


Can be summed up across all dimensions in the fact table

Captures the total value of the measure at a specific point in time


Sales revenue, profit, number of clicks on a banner ad

Monthly sales revenue, quarterly website visits, daily customer support tickets

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